Green Line Systems

A Sensible Building Security Checklist for CCTV Cameras

Posted by Gregory DeRouanna on Apr 10, 2020

business with a building security checklist

According to  data from the New York Police Department, burglaries of businesses rose by 26.3% in March 2020 under the emergency measures to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. What does this mean for you as a business owner?

Pandemics like COVID-19 and potential recessions affect businesses and their security needs in a significant way. It’s never too late to secure your business, even as we see an increase in crime rates during recessions or pandemic periods like these.

CCTV Building Security Checklist

Ensure Adequate Camera Coverage

Your security camera network should ideally cover every square foot of your property, and important areas like entryways and points-of-sale should be covered from multiple angles. Consider wide-angle or  PTZ cameras here.

Connect for Remote Viewing

Your camera feed must be accessible by your  computer and smartphone. You can’t always be there to watch your cameras. The best systems will even send push notifications for security events.

Check for Camera Quality

Your cameras must be able to deliver quality video so that you can recognize fine details like faces and license plates. Consider HD 1080p cameras, 2K cameras, or  4K cameras where appropriate.

Night Vision Capabilities

Your cameras need to see in complete darkness to be effective at any time of day. For your business’s pandemic planning, look for  cameras with infrared illuminators that will do this.

Recording Capacity

Your  camera video recorder should have the capacity to store video for the entire time your business is closed. Consider upgrading to a recorder with up to 48 terabytes to ensure this.

The Impact of Recessions on Business Security

During the first month of the COVID-19 pandemic, 6.6 million US workers  filed first-time jobless claims as business nationwide came to a halt. With unemployment comes the risk of severe financial hardship, debt, housing stress, family tensions and breakdown, shame and stigma, increased social isolation, low self-esteem, and increasing cases of crime. With only essential employees at work, thousands of businesses were left unattended. Unfortunately, many criminals took advantage of the situation.

If you own or manage a company, you need to protect your property and assets through strategic planning for your business. Use tools like our building security checklist to ensure more comprehensive coverage. Even if you’re able to keep employees on-site, a  surveillance system is still the most effective way to monitor your business.

Having a prolonged security approach to pandemic and recession planning for your business is vital. If you have a comprehensive security plan and security system, that’s great. If not, it’s never too late to take the right steps to secure your property and assets.

Why Surveillance Security Matters

While there were  lower cases of crime reported in areas like San Jose, CA in the week after shelter-in-place orders were implemented across six counties, the security risks for businesses should not be underestimated. To deter criminal activity, a CCTV system is a must-have. Especially once business owners understand the impact a recession has on their business, most wouldn’t go without one.

Security cameras are also a crucial part of pandemic planning for your business. If your business won’t be operating, you’ll still want to keep an eye on the premises. Crime rates during a recession typically have a substantial increase. When they put people out of work, pandemics can have the same effect.

A commercial-grade security system with capabilities like those described on our building security checklist can offer you peace of mind and allow you to monitor your business premises remotely from anywhere, anytime. According to  CCTV Security Pros, a direct USA supplier of commercial-grade surveillance systems, security cameras, and associated equipment, a complete CCTV system is the best option for full functionality and use.

Pointers to Reinforce Your Business Security From Outside

With restrictions on movement and stay-at-home orders hitting entire industries, most businesses have been forced to close quickly, meaning that security may have been compromised. Therefore, those who haven’t thought of pandemic planning for their business could be at risk of theft and break-ins during the crisis. Surveillance experts advise that you reinforce all your security measures before you’re targeted.

Additional Building Security measures

Identify vulnerable areas in your business premises and make them more secure Ensure all service doors are locked and secure when not in use Reinforce weak points like doors and windows
Ensure you have a CCTV system (IP or HD-Over-Coax) and alarm that is fully functional Ensure your CCTV system provides 24/7 monitoring, quality images, and covers vulnerable areas Store away wheelie bins and the like from areas where burglars can climb on them to access your premises
Ensure there’s sufficient lighting around your premises to deter criminals Use impact-resistant laminated glass in sturdy frames where possible If you have high-value stock kept in windows, consider installing external anti-ram bollards

Pointers to Reinforce Your Business Security From Inside

Just like the points above, these steps should also be a priority as you think of pandemic planning for your business or the expected recession impact on your business:

  • Move high-value items from display windows overnight
  • Avoid keeping cash on your premises and leave tills empty and open
  • Draw curtains and secure all inner doors
  • Install security cameras at strategic points inside your premises like hallways and offices
  • Use a bolted-down safe with anti-tamper sensors and time lock with an alarm
  • Ensure stockrooms are always locked whenever possible
  • Ensure keys are not left on the premises and that only designated staff have authorized access

Shop and Order Security Systems Online

If you’re looking for professional-grade systems with features like those on our building security checklist, or to help you get ready for the unexpected recession impact on your business, get started at  CCTV Security Pros. See why our CCTV surveillance systems are trusted by more than 60,000 customers.

Call 888.653.2288 to speak with a security expert for help finding or customizing the best security system. See our  new 4K systems for your business.